Only a few wallpapers in the Wallpaper Engine Steam workshop can be stretched without looking pixelated. Please note that the “Stretch wallpaper” option can significantly compromise the pixel quality of your wallpaper. Once you’re done setting up the wallpapers across the two monitors, select the downward arrow to collapse the window.Alternatively, you can use a different wallpaper on each screen by using the “Wallpaper per monitor” option. For example, you can choose the “Stretch single wallpaper” option to use one wallpaper across the two screens. Under the “Choose Monitor” drop-down menu, select how you want your wallpapers to span the two monitors.Click the “LAUNCH” button to open the app.Under the “Software” section, select the “Wallpaper Engine” option.On your computer, start the Steam application.Once the two monitors are successfully connected, follow these steps to start using Wallpaper Engine with the two monitors: Once you’re done, select the “Apply” button to apply the changes.Select how you want your monitors to align from the dropdown menu.

If your computer doesn’t automatically detect the two monitors, go to “Multiple displays” and then “Detect.”.Under the “System” section, choose “Display.”.